Sunday, July 24, 2011

Aleinu Members Gathered for Special Summer Celebration

L-R: Scholar in Residence Co-Chairs Susan Ulevitch and
Steve Ritter welcomed Rabbi Norman Cohen as our
2011 Scholar in Residence last winter.
Susan Ulevitch, co-chair of Scholar in Residence, and her husband Richard, hosted the Aleinu Adult Education Committee for a summer social evening at their La Jolla home last week. The evening was a special time for members to socialize and get to know each other with just the minimum of committee work involved!

The group enjoyed Susan's gorgeous ocean view, munched on appetizers, and a fabulous dinner. Susan and Bonnie outdid themselves with delectable desserts. Aleinu welcomed new committee members Jane Lazerow and Louise Winheld. People jumped on board to volunteer to head up programs for the coming year.

Aleinu members Janine Feldman, Liz Levine and Janet Acheatel
enjoyed the Aleinu summer get-together 
What a wonderful idea this was! Many thanks to the Ulevitches for their hospitality!


  1. Thank you for the nice write up. It was our pleasure to have the Aleinu Committee members to our home. This is the most impressive, hard working and dedicated group of people a temple could have!
